Programma martedì 1

10.30 Saluto e introduzione


11.00 This Is Fine. Giocare alla fine del mondo

Lecture di Maddalena Grattarola (London College of Communication, University of the Arts London / Goldsmiths, University of London)

ABSTRACT: La lecture proporrà un catalogo breve di visioni apocalittiche e post-apocalittiche estratte dal panorama più sperimentale e innovativo dei videogiochi indipendenti pubblicati nell’ultimo decennio. Lontani dalle classiche dinamiche di gioco a cui l’orizzonte mainstream può aver abituato, questi titoli invitano all’esplorazione e alla contemplazione di spazi densi di narrativa, offrono campionature digitali di futuri possibili e suggeriscono a chi gioca una riflessione critica sui sintomi dell’Antropocene.


12.00 From 12th Century Persian Poems to The Tale of Bistun

Lecture di Ali Boroumand (Black Cube Games) [IN INGLESE]

ABSTRACT: The Tale of Bistun is a story-driven action-adventure game inspired by the 12th century tragic Persian poem Khosrow and Shirin. You play as a stone carver who wakes on Mount Bistun with no memory of anything before that moment. An insidious blight has spread, bringing forth many dangerous foes. We will explore how we took inspiration from Persian poems, scripture and history to create the game. [VIDEO]


13.00 Pausa pranzo


14.15 Back to the Past: Reviving the Pre-war Budapest

Lecture di Gergő Virág (Lost Budapest) [IN INGLESE]

ABSTRACT: We at “Lost Budapest” are creating a digital twin of the 1930s Hungarian capital, making its main roads and squares explorable by walking, driving, and taking its vast tram system. This is going to be the location for a detective action-adventure game with a noir atmosphere. We are aiming to give an immersive experience of the bustling streets, showing the last years of its architectural golden era, before its bridges and many palaces were demolished during the 1944/1945 siege. In those days, Budapest was a preferred place for international criminal gangs, with lots of mysteries we have to untangle. The plot is fictional, but based on historical facts and real persons.


15.15 Playable Eco-Dystopias: Addressing Climate Change through Video Games

Conversazione con Felix Bohatsch (Broken Rules) e Francesco Berton (Safe Place Studio) [IN INGLESE]

ABSTRACT: The panel focuses on dystopian narratives connected with the themes of environmentalism and climate change. Through the perspectives of two game developers, the panel will inquire how commercial games can both provide entertainment and raise awareness of social and environmental issues through game mechanics and narratives. [VIDEO]


16.15 Coffee Break


16.45 A Journey Across the Worlds of Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword

Evento speciale con Tony Warriner (Revolution Software) [IN INGLESE]

ABSTRACT: Face to face with Tony Warriner, co-founder of the British software house Revolution Software, best known for iconic point-and-click adventures such as Beneath a Steel Sky and Broken Sword. A behind the scene interview full of anecdotes, an overview on the sources of inspiration and real places references that made those games unforgettable.

Programma mercoledì 2

10.00 Welcome to Italy! Regole e consigli per realizzare videogiochi legati al territorio e al patrimonio culturale

Conversazione con Cristina Bragaglia (Fondazione Palazzo Coronini Cronberg), Tiziano Giardini (34BigThings) e Gianluca Novel (FVG Film Commission)

ABSTRACT: Creare un videogioco legato al territorio e al patrimonio culturale è un processo che nasconde parecchie insidie. Un percorso in equilibrio tra intrattenimento e divulgazione, sospeso spesso tra ambizioni creative ed esigenze della committenza, tra passione e ricerca di finanziamenti. Ne parleremo con un’azienda che realizza videogiochi, con un’istituzione culturale locale e una realtà regionale che supporta l’audiovisivo.


11.15 Jennifer Wilde: From Comic Book to Indie Game

Lecture di Maura McHugh (Scrittrice) [IN INGLESE]

ABSTRACT: Maura McHugh, a writer from Ireland, wrote the comic book, Jennifer Wilde: Unlikely Revolutionaries for Irish publisher Atomic Diner Comics, which was drawn by Belfast-based artist Stephen Downey. Set during the 1920s it pairs a young French artist with the Ghost of Oscar Wilde as they investigate the mystery surrounding her father’s death. Years later, Stephen set up Outsider Games, and obtained the rights to adapt the popular comic into a point-and-click video game. Maura discusses how the long development process worked and the flexibility required when working in different media.


12.00 Nessuno è mai solo con un videogioco in mano: nuove prospettive per una didattica videoludica

Conversazione con Stefano Caselli (IVIPRO), Viola Nicolucci (Psicologa e psicoterapeuta) e Barbara Re (Università di Camerino)

ABSTRACT: Videogiocare per conoscere la realtà, per accorciare le distanze, per capire e immaginare un mondo senza stereotipi e barriere. Ci confronteremo sul tema a partire da progetti ed esperienze didattiche attorno al videogioco, per approfondire le potenzialità del medium in ambito scolastico. Al centro del dialogo, tre linee-guida principali: la sensibilizzazione di giovani e famiglie; l’uso del videogioco nel contesto didattico; la ricezione del videogioco.


13.00 Pausa pranzo


14.30 Saint Kotar, a Love Letter to Croatia and to My Life-long Dream

Lecture di Marko Tominić (Red Martyr Entertainment) [IN INGLESE]

ABSTRACT: In this lecture, Marko reflects on his life-long dream of becoming a game developer and the tumultuous path him and the team had to take to release Saint Kotar. From the early days of prototyping, research of locations and local traditions of the mountain region of Croatia, the financial challenges and the consequent successful crowdfunding campaign, to a publisher deal and ultimately the release. Saint Kotar represents, in many ways, a love letter to his life-long dream and to his country, where he placed the plot of the studio’s first released game. As a cherry on top of a cake, Marko ends the lecture by sharing a small teaser of the studio’s next project – an RPG game set in 17th century Istria. [VIDEO]


15.30 Ritorno al senso del luogo

Evento speciale a cura di Andrea Babich (Kenobisboch Productions)

ABSTRACT: Come venivano trattati i luoghi reali nei videogame prima dell’avvento di Internet? E dopo? Andrea Babich cerca di rispondere a queste domande analizzando retrogame più o meno noti, e proponendo la sua interpretazione dell’uso funzionale e iconico degli spazi reali all’interno delle limitazioni tecniche del videogioco d’antan. Il videoludico virtuale, poi, dialoga con un presente che ci mostra uno spazio geografico reale più frantumato che mai. [VIDEO]