Programma giovedì 24
18.30 Cultural Gaming: The Story of Mulaka
Lecture di Guillermo Vizcaino (Lienzo) [IN INGLESE]
ABSTRACT: Mulaka is a 3rd person action-adventure game that immerses players deep into the rich culture of the northern Mexican Tarahumara, a civilization native to the region that has inhabited the area since before the Spanish Conquest. This talk will examine the story behind the development of such property, the way Lienzo tackled development whilst aiming to respectfully portray its inspiration and the way a game studio can put a spotlight on cultural heritage, without losing the game focus.
Programma venerdì 25
10.30 The Art of Building Virtual Cities
Lecture di Konstantinos Dimopoulos (Game Urbanist & Designer) [IN INGLESE]
ABSTRACT: After a brief introduction to game urbanism and game cities, the talk will focus on how real world planning and urban design techniques can be combined with level and game design methods to create immersive, believable, and memorable virtual city environments. Environments that can support storytelling and gameplay, while conjuring the essence of a particular genius loci. Common mistakes, the fundamentals of urban functions, structures, digital civic life, the art of abstraction, and several spot rules will also be discussed, alongside examples of successful game cities.
15.00 An Interview with
Valentina Paggiarin e Giacomo Talamini (Hive Division)
Giacomo Talamini e Valentina Paggiarin parleranno della loro esperienza con il progetto MGS: Philanthropy e del forte legame con i territori del Veneto e del Trentino-Alto Adige nel corso della realizzazione delle riprese. L’approccio “guerrilla fillmaking” che ha caratterizzato i primi anni di vita di Hive Division, casa di produzione cinematografica con sede ad Asolo, si basava fortemente sull’utilizzo e la valorizzazione di location reali, arricchite poi in post-produzione con CGI e VFX. Questo legame con il territorio prosegue anche oggi, con il progetto LED Wall Virtual Production.
18.30 Prisme7: The Pompidou Centre’s First Video Game
Lecture di Olivier Mauco (Game in Society) e Abdel Bounane (Bright) [IN INGLESE]
ABSTRACT: Created with the support of the Ministry of National Education, Prisme7 is the Pompidou Centre’s first video game. Produced in collaboration with Bright and Game in Society, Prisme7 invites the public to understand modern and contemporary creation in an innovative, poetic, playful and educational way. Navigating between the world of color and that of light, Prisme7 proposes to discover seven levels of play and interact with 40 major works from the collection of the Centre Pompidou. Thus, the museum goes to meet the public and the works give themselves to see and play. A look back at the beginnings and challenges of this project, which is intended to be unprecedented in the world of art and digital creation.
Programma sabato 26
11.00 Paesaggi sonori e nuove drammaturgie musicali
Lecture di Marta Ascari (Compositrice e musicista)
ABSTRACT: Oggi il videogioco è un mezzo privilegiato per raccontare il territorio poiché permette al giocatore di immergersi in una stimolante atmosfera di evasione e al tempo stesso di fruire del patrimonio culturale attraverso l’esperienza videoludica. Ambientazioni, musiche, gameplay, personaggi, intreccio narrativo: il videogioco si configura come medium ricchissimo e potente proprio in virtù della propria complessità. Esaminando esempi e riferimenti formali, vedremo come si possa costruire una drammaturgia narrativa attraverso le musiche e il sound design.
17.30 Intervallo IVIPRO
L’Italia nei videogiochi musicata in diretta streaming dal compositore e musicista Luca Maria Baldini
Link YouTube
18.30 This War of Mine: Writing with Foresight
Lecture di Wojciech Setlak (11 bit studios) [IN INGLESE]
ABSTRACT: Video games have no less potential to influence opinions than other forms of expression, particularly among young people who often prefer them over other media. It’s therefore worthwhile to ask: what values should they convey, and how should they do it? These were among the questions the creative team at 11 bit studios strove to answer working on This War of Mine, a game about victims of civil war, which is now used as a teaching aid in Norway and was recently included in the national curriculum in Poland.
Programma domenica 27
15.00 An Interview with
Simona Maiorano (The Sea and the Forest)
A tu per tu con Simona Maiorano dello studio indipendente The Sea and the Forest. Insieme a Firtina Ozbalikci, Simona sta realizzando Leaves, videogioco ambientato in Puglia, sul Gargano, ispirato alla letteratura ergodica e al flusso di coscienza di Virginia Woolf. Coinvolti nel progetto anche Andrea Cedraro (artist) e John Kiernan (musicista).
17.30 Territorio, istituzioni e videogiochi ai tempi del COVID-19
Conversazione con Farah Polato (Università di Padova); Luca Roncella (Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci” di Milano); Francesco Cavallari (Video Games Without Borders)